PTT Mission statement: In the spirit of cooperation, the parent, and teachers together (PTT) will assist in promoting a positive social atmosphere.
What is the PTT? – The PTT (Parents and Teachers Together) is an organization that supports the students of St. Charles School.
The group meets monthly and works together to plan and execute family social events throughout the school year. Annual events include
Trunk-or-Treat, the Annual Lions Club Halloween Parade Float, Spring Walk-a-Thon and end of the school year Family Bash.
Can I join the PTT? Of course you can!
Anyone who has a child at St. Charles School in grades PK-8 can join. The organization is always looking for new members and new ideas!
How can I join the PTT? Come to one of our meetings.
Meetings are scheduled on the first Thursday throughout the school year and sometimes we have an extra one if we have an event coming up!
Mrs. Cargill will also send out the reminder of the meetings in her weekly family email. Meetings are held in-person at the St. Charles Upper School Cafeteria at 6:30 pm. There is also a Zoom option.
What if I have questions?– Please contact SCS PTT at